+2348061987355 info@bakhitainitiativejdpc.org

Enhance Education for all in Northern Nigeria

On May 25, 2024, the Bakhita Initiative (JDPC Sokoto), in collaboration with Save the Child Initiative (STCI), with support from PLAN International EU INTPA, held a one-day workshop on a community-based awareness campaign focused on Gender and Reformation of Tsangaya Education System. The event took place at the View Centre, Gida Dari, in Wurno LGA, Sokoto. The workshop brought together stakeholders which includes: Community leaders, religious leaders, Tsangaya owners, Local Government Authority, Education Authority, Youths Representatives, Women Representatives and Representatives of PLWD. The main aim of the workshop was to enhance education for all in Northern Nigeria.

#EducationForAll #GenderEquality #TsangayaReformation #CommunityAwareness #NorthernNigeria #JDPCSokoto #STCI #PlanInternational #EuropeanUnion.